【学术视频】第十五届中国-新加坡物理学前沿研讨会 | 华南理工大学赵宇军教授
图 | 赵宇军
题 目:Novel structure representation and comparison for cluster, quasicrystal, and crystal报告人:赵宇军单 位:华南理工大学时 间:2019-11-22地 点:中山大学
Efficient structure recognition and comparison provides us not only an insight of the intrinsic structures but also a novel approach to material design, in particular in the age of Big Data. Here we introduce an extended distance matrix approach and a minimum vertex-type sequence indexing scheme to study the geometric configuration and its comparison. It is shown that the positions of all atoms in the eigen-space can be specified precisely by their eigen-coordinates, while the refined atomic eigen-subspace projection array is demonstrated to be a competent invariant in structure comparison. A complete set of atomic EPFs constitute an intrinsic representation of molecular conformation or a local structural environment in a periodical system, based on which the interatomic EPF distance and the EPF distance between two configurations can be reasonably defined. Exemplified with a few cases, the intermolecular EPF distance shows exceptional rationality and efficiency in structure recognition, comparison, as well as potential energy surface construction. For quasicrystals, their detailed atomic structures have been an open question for decades. We present a quasilattice-conserved molecular dynamics method (quasiMD), with particular quasiperiodic boundary conditions. As the atomic coordinates are described by basic cells and quasilattices, we are able to maintain the self-similarity characteristics of qusicrystals with the atomic structure of the boundary region updated timely following the relaxing region. Exemplified with the study of decagonal Al-Co-Ni (d-Al-Co-Ni), we propose a more stable atomic structure model based on Penrose quasilattice and our quasiMD simulations. In particular, “rectangle-triangle”' rules are suggested for the local atomic structures of d-Al-Co-Ni quasicrystals.
赵宇军,教授,博士生导师。1994年、1999年分别获浙江大学物理系学士和博士学位,期间于1998年在日本静冈大学(Shizuoka University)电子工程系学习一年;1999年至2004年分别于美国西北大学(Northwestern University)和再生能源国家实验室(NREL)从事博士后研究;2005至2006年于美国硅谷的NanoStellar公司理论模拟部任研究员;2006年年底被聘为华南理工大学物理系教授;2008年初被批准为博士生导师。现为物理与光电学院计算物理研究组负责人,应用物理系系主任,并担任中国计算物理学会常任理事。其主要从事晶体缺陷和掺杂理论,以及过渡金属表面的催化机制研究。做了大量磁性半导体材料、光伏太阳能材料、储氢材料性能方面的基础工作,同时对覆盖度和共吸附对小分子与过渡金属及其合金表面的相互作用影响也有研究。赵宇军教授先后主持了多项国家、省部级科研项目,并入选2008年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。
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